Ride Report: 09.14.10

I took another fitness ride after dark.

And dark it was.  This was my first night ride since Spring.  I have run lights since then, but not on a ride completely after dark; so it took a little bit of adjustment.  I tend to focus on the pavement more, not really looking beyond the beam; and listening more than usual.  Typically, I hear a car coming before I see the beam from the headlights either reflecting off the trees ahead, or in my mirror.  By the time I got home, I was comfortable.

The only other thing of note was that on three separate occasions I had cars unwilling to pass me, even though I was sqeezed up against the berm as far as I could and the road ahead was clear.  There really was nothing more I could do.  I wasn’t going to pull off the road; and I felt bad for the cars behind the leaders since they were being held up.  I didn’t get any honks or yelling or salutes, so I think they probably realized that the issues were with the leaders, and not me.

Ironically, I had an SUV on Main Street in Lewisberry that couldn’t wait the 1/2 block of two way traffic on a street with double sided parking for me to get through.  He wasn’t going to wait for me, or any of the on-coming traffic.

Life in a small town.

Distance: 11.9 miles  2010: 859.5

One response to “Ride Report: 09.14.10

  1. I always enjoyed night riding. Naturally in the city with well lit wide streets it’s much easier. Since retiring though, I ride all day just like it was as a preteen. The circle is complete I guess.

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